As I lay in my bed tonight, well this morning to be exact {2:42am}, I am thinking about how lucky I am. How lucky I am to be alive and healthy and in one of the prettiest states of The United States. Tonight I lay here and thank God for all of the endless opportunities he has given me in this past year. So today, December 1st {actually 2nd}, is my day of thanks.
I've been scrolling through my Pinterest for hours looking at the endless number of wedding rings and recipes that I'll never make, when I came along the quote. "Let your faith be bigger than your fear." Now, for the many people that know me, you know that this quote used to be tattooed on my forehead, or at least that's what it felt like. I would go day in and day out feeling like I could conquer the world because of these very simple words. But to me they were more then just words. In my cheerleading days as a bullet of the California Allstars, we lived by this quote. Our faith was always bigger our fears, just like God was always bigger than us. Praying before every practice, every competition, every step of the way, made it seem as if, He was guiding us through all of our battles. These words left us with a sense of hope that we were able to do anything that we put our minds to.
And that is why today, I am forever grateful for being able to put my faith before my fears. Sometimes, I have a hard time realizing all of my success so far with Abbie Mae Photography. I am always giving myself a hard time, and unfortunately, never giving myself a pat on the back. But yet again I have to think.
I am a twenty year old college student. I'm going through the daily struggles of any girl, trying to pass my classes, do my laundry, and take care of my newly purchased hermit crab. {Ok, you caught me. Hermit doesn't take much caring to do but still, you get the jist.}
So, December 1st, I thank you for everything that you have given me thus far. I thank you for all of the support from my family and my friends through all the good times and bad times. I thank you for the Alabama Beta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi. I thank you for The University of Alabama. I thank you for my health. And most importantly, I thank all of my supporters of Abbie Mae Photography.
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