Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy Birthday to Abbie Mae!

So this is what 21 feels like?! One thing I love about my birthday being on January 3rd, is that it is right at the start of a new year. Happy New Year to all my friends, family, and fans. As we start 2015, I would love to tell you about myself and answer some questions that I've been asked! 

I've always grown up as Abbie (my real name is not Abigail, just an FYI) but after moving to the South in 2012, I automatically became Abbie Mae.  I'm currently a junior at The University of Alabama majoring in Hospitality.  I'm a lover of glitter, floral patterns, and puppies.  There's not many times you will see me without a smile or red lipstick.  My dream career is to own a boutique wedding planning company in either Nashville or Dallas.  I love planning events, especially weddings, and watching people's love unfold right in front of my eyes! Florals, table settings, and decorating all hold a very special place in my heart.

After interning with a wedding photographer this summer, I fell in love with what I could capture with a camera. In June 2014, I decided to take my love for being organized, making clients happy, and capturing memories to the next level. That is how Abbie Mae Photography came into play.  

Now for some questions... 

Three words that would describe you?
Organized, social (definitely social), and passionate. 

What do you love most about photography?
Creativity and my freedom to shoot whatever style whenever I want to. I just love being able to go out and shoot at random times and capture authentic moments. 

What kind of photography is your favorite?
I love portraits. I love being able to capture people's beauty. I would love to start doing more weddings because those are my favorite! 

If you had to pick a quote to describe yourself, what would it be? 
Wow, too many favorites just to choose one! "Surround yourself with things you love. Discard the rest." Check out my QUOTES board on Pinterest!

Where do you find inspiration for your shoots? 
Pinterest Pinterest Pinterest. I honestly can't say enough good things about it. I'm always on it, it's kind of an addiction. I am always looking at other photographer's websites as well. I love being in tune with the modern style.

What is your favorite form of social media and why?
I would definitely have to say instagram. You will always find me posting & browsing on people's profiles. If it weren't for this, my business would never have been able to take off like it has. I obviously love photographs and looking through Insta, just makes me happy.

Do you have a specific style when shooting?
When I shoot, I don't have a specific style, but one thing I do is I try not to edit my pictures too drastically. I want the people I shoot to look like they just had pictures taken not trying to win a pageant. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, inside and out!
Photos : Lisa Roah Photography

Well thanks for hanging out and reading a little more about me! Feel free to browse the rest of your blog! I would love your feedback! Happy New Year everybody! 

If you would like to follow my personal social media sites, here are the links: 
instagram      twitter      facebook      pinterest  

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